Dark, But Punny Tone Propels 'Chicken Run'
By By ANNE GITTINGER, Managing Arts Editor
Despite its G-rating and Burger King endorsement, "Chicken Run" has a dark side-though it includes enough humor and sight gags to keep a younger set content.

Set on a dismal British poultry farm, "Chicken Run" follows ambitious Ginger (Julia Sawahla) as she leads the hens through numerous, unsuccessful escape attempts. Although the hens occasionally suffer a casualty, for the most part their egg-laying skills save them from getting the ax. But their plight becomes more desperate when their owner Mrs. Tweedy (Miranda Richardon) plans to up her profits by sacrificing the chickens for chicken pies.

Bea thinks she has found their savior in Rocky, an American rooster voiced by Mel Gibson. Unfortunately, Rocky does not have the flying skills Bea believes.

The dark images and themes of "Chicken Run" evokes World War II prisoner of war films, and Mrs. Tweedy even resembles something of a female Nazi. In addition, some scenes, such as the execution of a chicken, are pretty brutal.

Despite the disturbing tone, the film has its lighter moments as well and includes egg and chicken puns such as "Escape or die frying."

Issue 06, Submitted 2000-10-17 16:54:04