The Personals: David Zheutlin '11
By Jorge Alvarado '12
Where are you from? What do you miss the most about home?

I’m from Boca Raton, Florida. The thing I miss most, besides the fact that the average age of people there is about 90 years old, is definitely the weather. It’s great to go home over winter break, for example, and to be able to go to the beach every day.

How much fun is it to be part of the Fun Police?

As the name suggests, it is quite fun.

What event has been the most fun for you?

Saturday’s football game versus Williams, for sure. Cheering and such while we beat them at their home field to end our season at 8-0 was awesome. I have a funny story actually ... so I was taunting lots of Williams folks during the game, making fun of them for going to Williams, telling them how bad their football team was, etc. I was slightly out of control. And while I was standing outside the bathrooms at one point, yelling some offensive things in the direction of some Ephs, a Williams College policeman comes over to me, grabs me by the lower neck/collarbone region, and throws me against the bathroom wall, telling me that if I didn’t “calm the (expletive) down,” I would be ejected from the game. Police brutality, if you ask me. I was just being a supportive fan.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word, “Williams”?


What is your favorite food at Val?

I’m not the biggest Val fan, but I really like the salmon with “Asian” sauce. If you want to give me a 10-page spread I could tell you about which foods I don’t like.

When did you start with club volleyball? How is it so far?

I played volleyball in high school (yes, men’s volleyball is a varsity sport in Florida), so when I came here I started playing club. It’s fun, been pretty low-key so far this year, but our season is mostly in the spring, when we have four or five tournaments at various colleges in the Northeast. Ballin’.

If I looked at your iPod right now, what song would you be most embarrassed of having?

I could say I’m embarrassed I have all of Taylor Swift’s albums, but she is great, so I don’t see how that could be considered embarrassing. A little girly, I’ll admit, but I do enjoy me some T-Swift. Oh, I just realized I have a Jonas Brothers song on my iTunes, no idea how that got there ... keep that on the DL.

What is something that not many people know about you?

I have a queen size bed, and it’s extremely comfy. Ladies, take note.

What’s the first thing people think when they hear the name “David Zheutlin?”

That is a ridiculous question. I really don’t know. They probably know me as the guy who is always wearing slippers and has a pencil behind his ear. Great place for a pencil, really. They also may recognize me as the best campus center manager in the history of campus center managers.

What have you done in the past few summers? Any big plans for the next one?

I’ve worked at a sleepaway camp in Maine the past three summers. It’s a really fun job, eight weeks long. I was the head of basketball for the past three years, so I basically just got to play basketball and volleyball all day and get paid to do so. This past summer I was in a cabin with seven 13- and 14-year-olds, which is a pretty hilarious age, so it was quite entertaining. I don’t know about next summer, but I could definitely see myself going back and delaying real-life things (like internships) as long as possible.

Many students study abroad during their junior year. Are you planning on studying abroad? If so, where and why? If not, why not?

I’m still undecided on that. I was accepted to NYU’s Prague program, and I’ve heard great things about going abroad. Everyone who goes says you have to do it, but I don’t know if I want to miss a whole semester of Amherst because I love it here. It’d be an amazing experience, I’m sure, to live in a foreign country for a semester, but I still haven’t made a decision. I actually have to decide within the next few days, because I think there’s a deposit due to NYU soon. Let me get back to you on that one.

If you could take five things to a deserted island, what would you take and why?

Am I stranded there? I’d take a pillow, my slippers, a pack of Trolli sour gummy worms, some gum and Officer Lenart to ensure that I would be safe while on this island.

Where is your favorite place to study at Amherst? Where’s your favorite place to party?

I like doing work outside or in Keefe Campus Center because they have some good study rooms. My favorite place to party is definitely Pond 111, and not just because it is my place of residence. Between the comfortable couches, large TV, extremely loud music, upstairs luxury seating in the “Press Box” and frequent visits from Campus Police, it is really a great place to par-tayyy. While I’m doing this extended advertisement for my suite, I should mention that we’re going to have a party there [at 11 p.m.] tomorrow night. Our tentative theme is “Grandpa bros and Beachgoing hoes.” See you guys there.

Issue 09, Submitted 2009-11-18 03:23:46