The Personals: Questions for Conny Morrison '12
By Nathan Nash '12, Contributing Writer
Where are you from?

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, though I hide the fact that I can muster up on a [sexy] southern accent.

How can you be so cool if you’re from North Carolina?

Chapel Hill’s a sweet place — go Heels! Go to hell Duke. Plus, NC rocks: we have mountains AND beaches.

Why did you decide to leave such a paradise for Amherst?

I was born in Northampton and I’ve visited family friends there every year so I already knew and loved the area. When I visited Amherst, I had the awesome and nerdy experience of going to math table for three hours. I haven’t been to math table since coming here, but it left an impression.

How was your first year at Amherst?

4F4L! yeahhh South. In a word, awesome.

What made you become a first-year RC?

I was friends with lots of seniors my freshman year and had some awesome RCs who taught me a lot about Amherst. I wanted to do that for the next group of freshies.

Any good RC stories?

None that I can share. Confidentiality, baby.

Any advice for the first-years out there?

It’s only awkward if you make it awkward, so don’t make it awkward.

How do you not make it awkward as a Student Health Educator?

I just have fun with it and see where the conversation goes. The good vibes just spread. After all, I got to make a short cameo as Captain Condom in the SHE skits this year — how could that not be a blast!

Speaking of good vibes, how do you feel being president of a death panel?

What some of you may not know is that we in Amherst Democrats aren’t a death panel (despite our numerous signs to the contrary). We’re a fun liberal group trying to get students to be more politically active.

You must be a political science major then?

Well, I am, in fact, a math and political science double major. Naturally, I’m planning on going to medical school.

Do you have multiple personality order, or perhaps a latent death wish?

Yes. No. Maybe.

Which one do you like better?

I like the part of me that enjoys lifting, relishes overnight hikes in the middle of the woods and loves watching all Boston sports.

So you don’t like things that have to do with school?

No, I love learning. I’m honestly a huge nerd (I am a math major, after all).

That’s right — you’re a hot math TA!

Well, I “do” TA Math 11, but the rest of it is up to you.

Are you bummed that you can’t go abroad this year because you’re an RC?

No, because I actually went abroad to the south of France last semester. Yeah, that’s right, as a sophomore.

Why France?

My family moved to France when I was 13 for a semester, so I didn’t really have a choice — kind of had to learn the language and ended up loving the country while I was there.

You loved the country? How bout the men?

Before going to France, I didn’t think that French guidos existed, but they do — not okay. But, obviously, some of them were lovely. Also, on an unrelated note, there are no squirrels in France — weird.

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience?

Food, definitely food. I love French cheese.

Now that you’re back in Amherst, what’s your favorite dish at Val?

Love Val dessert. And for some reason, I really like the kielbasa.

Stegosaurus or T-Rex style?

Apparently, the stegosaurus didn’t really exist. Like Pluto isn’t a planet.

If not a dinosaur, what animal would you be?

I would be a cheetah — I’ve said that since I was six, but I’ve kind of forgotten why. I would love to be able to run like that though.

If you could be put in a vat of something, what would it be (stolen from Sparkle Motion’s first practice)?

A cold chocolate milkshake on a hot North Carolina summer’s day.

What would your porn star name be?

If you really want to know, join the Amherst Dems listserv by emailing me at In the meantime, I’ve got proofs to go do. Peace!

Issue 03, Submitted 2010-09-22 01:54:30