Website of the Week
By Young May Cha, Features Editor
No, it's not porn. For those of you who couldn't get enough of Alf or the Transformers, now is your chance. Or, if you've been suffering from a severe 10-year withdrawal from the "The Super Mario Brothers' Super Show" or "Saved by the Bell" (c'mon, admit you've watched it and liked it), your prayers have been answered. Forget the Iran-Contra scandal and Reaganomics. The best times of the '80s were spent watching He-Man and She-Ra destroy their arch-nemeses in amazing feats of strength and power.

Generation X-ers can unite at, the site that revives our childhood afternoons and Saturday mornings, to revel in the memorable and occasionally regrettable idiosyncrasies of the 1980s. Updated frequently, the site attempts to fill the gaping hole in the lives of many Generation X-ers since the G.I. Joe series was canceled. X-Entertainment goes beyond entertainment and media to include all aspects of pop '80s culture, like My Buddy/Kid Sister dolls and snap bracelets. There is also a forum to reminisce about and discuss this unforgettable decade if you feel the articles and pictures don't do justice to the era.

Issue 17, Submitted 2001-02-28 19:07:47
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