Ask DocTyler
By Doc Tyler
Dear Doc Tyler,

You might remember me-I wrote in last week about a girl I had stolen from a friend of mine. Well, I took your advice and told my friend what I had done-now he hates me! You ruined my life! How do I rectify this? Should I even listen to you?

-Doubtful in Davis

Dear Doubtful,

This seems an opportunity for me to humble myself. As I told you last week, "We all make mistakes, especially when our judgement is impaired by alcohol." The same holds as true for ex-college presidents as for college students. You see, I get lonely now and again, and I occasionally knock back a few sips of Jim Beam before perusing my mailbag. I apologize. Now, in my state of sobriety, I must tell you to stick with it: a good friendship will last through thick and thin, as they say. Sit down with your chum and talk things through, and you will find that the problem will solve itself.

Issue 03, Submitted 2001-09-19 15:52:50
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