This Week- November 4, 1940
By Rocío Digón, Managing Features Editor
In anticipation of the next day's national election, 61 years ago this week, The Student reported the results of a poll it had conducted. In the year's second such vote, Republican Wendell Willkie maintained his lead over Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Although Willkie dominated both polls, the incumbent Roosevelt's popularity increased from 15 to 24 percent, while the Republican's popularity dropped to 71 percent.

"Out of a grand total of 634 straws tabulated, the Republican candidate obtained the favor of 451 ... Roose-velt's total increased an even 100 votes to bring his second poll total of 152," The Student reported.

Most professors supported Roose-velt, with the exception of Professor Benjamin Ziegler. "If Willkie wins, [Ziegler] has promised to treat each member of his Political Science class in American government to a sumptuous dinner," reported The Student.

Upon Willkie's defeat the next day, every student in Ziegler's class became obligated to treat him to dinner either at their fraternity house or in town.

Issue 10, Submitted 2001-11-07 12:11:23
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