Club Focus: Amherst Art Club
By Emily Cornell du Houx, Features Editor
Admit it. We all like to get messy and play around with finger paints every once in a while. All some of us need is an inspirational spark, an opportunity to unleash our "inner Monets." That's precisely what the Art Club, founded this semester, is attempting to provide.

"Right now, if you want to work in any of the Amherst studios, you have to take a class," said Diana Lu '05, co-founder of the Art Club. "I'm in Art 15, but the sad thing is that, as soon as the semester is over, I won't be able to use the facilities here. I think that's horrible," she said. In response, Lu worked with Chelsea Leven '05 (pictured) to create the Art Club. Now, all finger painting afficionados, Van-Gogh wannabes and talented neuro majors with no time to fit in an extra art class will be given a chance.

Lu and Leven are currently grappling with the club's initial set-up. "The main focus this year is really to find a studio space," said Lu. According to Lu, there are currently about 20 people signed up for the Art Club. "I think that once supplies are available and we get a studio, we'll get even more interest," Lu said.

As soon as this obstacle is overcome, the club has a wealth of ideas for the rest of the year. "We are hoping to have a time every week where the studio will be open for people to come in and work," Lu said. "At the end of the year, we could do a display, sort of like a student exhibition of all the work that people did in the studio." The art department already has a yearly exhibition, but all of the pieces displayed are from art majors or students in art classes. "Our club is open to everybody," Lu said. "You don't have to be a great artist to be involved."

The club is also considering working with other campus organizations. "It would be cool to do something with community service," said Lu. "In high school, we had tables set up where people could make cards for the elderly or place mats for the food bank or finger puppets for day care. It's something that only takes five or 10 minutes, and it's a lot of fun."

Issue 06, Submitted 2002-10-08 21:22:54
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