World News
By LAWRENCE BAUM, Managing Opinion Editor
Tamil Tiger Separatists Talk Peace

The Tamil Tigers, a Sri Lankan separatist organization known for its guerrilla strategies, announced Monday that its "liberation organization is prepared to participate in negotiations to find a political solution to the ethnic conflict through peaceful means," ending a 17-year civil war against Sri Lanka's government, according to The New York Times. Five years ago, peace talks began under similar pretenses and broke down when the Tigers refused to settle for anything less than their own, separate nation. The ensuing conflicts were some of the most violent in the course of the war, according to The Times. Currently the government said that it has no interest in a cease-fire and wants to carry on the war until the enemy is totally eliminated."

Ecstasy seUse Ris Among Teens

Paralleling a three year decline in marijuana use among teenagers has been a marked increase in the use of the designer drug ecstasy, otherwise known as 'E.' Ecstasy use, common in dance clubs and at all-night parties, has doubled in the past five years, according to a report by the Partnership For A Drug-Free America. Ecstasy use among teenagers, however, is not nearly as common as marijuana use-only 10 percent of seventh through 12th graders admitted to trying ecstasy in the past year while 40 percent of the same demographic admitted to experimenting with marijuana. Despite this rise, overall drug use among teens has decreased.

Israel Prepares For Early Elections

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak cleared the way for a new parliamentary election, prematurely collapsing his first term in office after 17 months. Barak has been fending off attacks on his minority coalition since the fall, first against criticism of his intense peace talks and, more recently, as he presided over the bloody conflict between Palestinians and Jews over the last two months. In Israel's electoral system, Barak can still retain his position if he is chosen as the Labor party candidate and then wins the election. Late last night, Parliament overwhelmingly approved five separate, nearly identical motions to dissolve and convene new general elections. Elections are expected to be held sometime this spring.

Ad Campaign Outlives Company

The last, and most valuable vestige, of the now defunct is ironically a sock puppet mascot named Sock Puppet. This mouthy mascot, created to promote the online pet information and supply store, now has its own line of dolls and is looking for a new company to call home. With other retailers interested in purchasing Sock Puppet, a legal battle may be on the horizon between and Sullivan Perkins, the consulting firm that created the puppet. Sullivan Perkins believes they "have the right to keep Sock Puppet as a client even if it [is] no longer associated with," according to The Times.

Issue 11, Submitted 2000-11-29 21:52:17