Three outing trip leaders removed
By Kelly Smith, News Editor
The freshman outdoor orientation trip departed on Wednesday morning without three upperclassmen who were supposed to be leading trips.

Natasha Sunderam '03 and Perla Roffe '03 were asked by the dean of students' office not to lead an outing trip after they were reported to be selling "disorientation" t-shirts to freshmen to make money for a party that they intended to throw for members of the Class of 2005. Viki Bonett '03, another outing trip leader, was also involved in the incident but was not asked to leave, according to Roffe. However, Bonett chose not to lead the trip.

"It was really unfortunate for all parties involved," said Natalie Brumblay '02E, the coordinator of the outing trip. "Luckily, we weren't greatly affected because there were backup trip leaders available ... It would have been a shame if we had to disappoint freshmen."

According to Brumblay, the one rule stressed most to orientation trip leaders was not to invite freshmen to parties and serve them alcohol.

Roffe denied that the party was advertised as an event involving alcohol.

"The shirts we were selling had mugs on them ... we didn't associate the two things," Roffe said.

"I can appreciate the administration's stance on maintaining a very strict alcohol policy for freshmen during orientation week," said Brumblay. "The freshmen are going to have a great time and a wonderful opportunity to adjust to College in a safe and fun environment."

According to Roffe, Dean of New Students Frances Couvares told her that the only reason Sunderam and she got into trouble was because they were trip leaders.

"We came here early to have a good time and to make sure the freshmen had a good time ... as we were shown when we were freshmen," said Roffe.

Couvares refused to comment on events surrounding the specific incident.

Issue 01, Submitted 2001-09-15 12:51:20