Campus Crime Log
By Campus Police
Septemeber 30, 2001

6:50 p.m., Jenkins Dormitory

A fire alarm activated in Jenkins when a smoke detector was tampered with in a second-floor suite.

October 1, 2001

2:00 a.m., Pratt Dormitory

A resident of Pratt complained about loud music on the third floor.

11:18 a.m., Jenkins

A fire alarm activated at Jenkins because of steam from a shower.

1:04 p.m., South East Street

Officers discovered that a vacant house on college-owned property on South East Street had been broken into.

5:31 p.m., Milliken Dormitory

A resident of Milliken reported receiving annoying telephone calls.

October 2, 2001

9:33a.m., Jenkins

A fire alarm activated at Jenkins due to steam from a shower.

11:26 a.m., Kirby Theater

A fire alarm activated at Kirby Theater due to a malfunctioning detector.

12:23 p.m., Plimpton House

A fire alarm activated at Plimpton due to steam from a shower.

12:46 p.m., Jenkins

A fire alarm activated at Jenkins due to steam from a shower.

October 3, 2001

2:02 a.m., Milliken Dormitory

Officer responded to a loud music complaint on the first floor of Milliken.

2:56 a.m., Stearns Hall

Officers dispatched ACEMS to Stearns to assist an ill student.

October 4, 2001

2:05 p.m., O'Connell Lot

Officers booted a vehicle parked in the O'Connell Lot.

October 5, 2001

12:23 a.m., James Hall

Officers dispatched ACEMS and an ambulance to James to assist an intoxicated student.

12:56 a.m.

A student calling from off campus reported being bothered by several males at a bus stop. Amherst Police were notified.

1:58 a.m., Coolidge Dormitory

A resident of Coolidge complained about noise from TAP, which was being held at Davis Dormitory.

2:44 a.m., Social Dorm Quad

Officers received a noise complaint for the Stone/Coolidge area of the Social Dorm Quad. Nothing was found.

2:54 a.m., Cohan Dormitory

Officers responded to a loud music complaint on the first floor of Cohan.

October 6, 2001

3:49 a.m., South College

Officers investigated a duress alarm in South. Rayburn Lee, 51 Shumway Street, Amherst, Mass. was arrested for domestic assault and battery. He was also removed from campus.

12:48 a.m., Valentine Hall

An officer investigated a duress alarm in Valentine.

October 7, 2001

8:27 p.m., Marsh House

An officer investigated a duress alarm in Marsh.

October 9, 2001

9:08 a.m., Hills Lot

A student reported that his vehicle was vandalized while parked in Hills Lot.

4:52 p.m.

An employee contacted Campus Police regarding a domestic abuse matter.

October 10, 2001

5:40 p.m., Athletic Field

Officers dispatched an ambulance to an athletic field to assist an injured student.

October 11, 2001

12:30 a.m., Hitchcock House

An officer investigated a duress alarm in Hitchcock.

1:26 a.m., Pratt

Officer investigated a duress alarm at Pratt.

Issue 08, Submitted 2001-10-24 13:31:06