Campus Crime Log
By Campus Police
November 23, 2002

5:44 p.m., Coolidge Dormitory: A student reported the theft of $100 cash from her unlocked room.

6:03 p.m., Morrow Dormitory: An officer investigated a duress alarm.

November 24, 2002

12:09 a.m., Chapin Hall: Officers responded to a report of a man entering via a window. The officers identified the person as a UMass student who was looking for a meeting.

November 25, 2002

12:10 a.m., O'Connell Lot

An officer stopped a man in a car because he was acting in a suspicious manner.

9:22 a.m., Coolidge Cage

A contractor reported the theft of several power tools, valued at $1000, from a vehicle.

2:30 p.m., Moore Dormitory

An officer investigated an item found burned in a stairway.

November 30, 2002

5:15 p.m., Converse Hall: Maintenance work activated a fire alarm.

December 1, 2002

2:52 a.m., Tyler House: An officer responded to a complaint of loud music on the first floor.

7:50 p.m., Cohan Dormitory :Officers investigated a duress alarm.

10:25 p.m., Hitchcock House: An unidentified cause activated a fire alarm on the second floor.

December 2, 2002

12:57 a.m., Hitchcock: An officer responded to a complaint about people yelling outside and inside.

December 5, 2002

12:10 a.m., South College: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.

1:01 a.m., Seelye House: Officers responded to a loud music complaint on the first floor.

2:50 a.m., Davis Dormitory: An unidentified person pulled an alarm station in the basement for no apparent reason. Residents were fined $100.

3:12 a.m., Crossett Dormitory: Officers responded to a noise complaint for a second floor suite.

10:25 p.m., Garman House A student reported a car fire near the front of the building. Campus Police notified the Amherst Fire Department.

December 6, 2002

2:00 a.m., Main Campus: Ten vehicles were towed for being parked in violation of the winter parking ban.

2:58 a.m., Coolidge Dormitory: Officers assisted Amherst Police, who were attempting to identify a student who was involved in an incident off campus.

12:05 p.m., Moore: An officer investigated a duress alarm.

11:22 p.m, Stearns Dormitory: An officer confiscated alcohol and what appeared to be marijuana paraphernalia from a second floor room.

December 7, 2002

10:25 a.m., Hamilton House: An officer found two unlicensed kegs in the basement and fined residents $200.

2:03 a.m., Pond Dormitory: An officer checking the basement confiscated a large amount of an alcoholic beverage that was being dispensed.

2:25 a.m., Seligman House:

An officer responded to a noise complaint for the second floor.

3:27 a.m., James Dormitory: A fire alarm activated when someone pulled an alarm station for no apparent reason. Residents were fined $100.

4:14 a.m., Morrow

An officer responded to a noise complaint on the first floor.

December 8, 2002

12:29 a.m., Crossett: Residents reported that a man entered their suite and was being disorderly. The person was gone when officers arrived.

Issue 14, Submitted 2003-01-29 11:27:51