6:12 p.m., Stearns Hall: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
February 1, 2003
12:03 a.m., Moore Dormitory: Officers responded to a noise complaint on the third floor and confiscated some alcoholic beverages.
1:45 a.m., Seligman House: Officers encountered two students in possession of marijuana. The officers confiscated the marijuana and filed a report with the dean's office. The officers also issued a trespass order to a non-student who was present.
2:13 a.m., Appleton Hall: Officer responded to a noise complaint in a third-floor room. The officers issued a warning and confiscated alcoholic beverages.
8:52 a.m., Pond Dormitory: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.
11:53 p.m., Davis Dormitory: Excessive cigarette smoke in the basement activated a fire alarm. The officers fined residents $100 for the alarm. Officers also discovered two unlicensed kegs in the basement and fined residents $200.
February 2, 2003
5:13 a.m., James Hall: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
7:38 a.m., Newport House: An officer responded to a loud music complaint. The officer found no one in the room and shut off the music.
10:41 a.m., North College: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.
11:46 p.m., Hills Lot: A student reported the theft of a rear spoiler from his parked vehicle.
February 3, 2003
1:45 p.m., Valentine Hall: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
4:44 p.m., Keefe Campus Center: An officer interrupted a student who was engaged in unusual behavior.
9:42 p.m., Appleton: An officer investigated a duress alarm.