AAS debates providing funds to Generation Dean
By Richa Bhala, Contributing Writer
The Budgetary Committee (BC) recommendation to the Association of Amherst Students (AAS) not to fund the Generation Dean chapter on campus sparked heated debate at the AAS meeting Monday, as senators argued over the constitutionality of rejecting such a request based solely on political beliefs.

Pem Brown '06, president of the group, requested $167.50 in funding from the AAS for the provision of buttons, pins and flyers in support of Democratic presidential primary candidate Howard Dean. "It's all for on-campus publicity … It brings awareness to the campaign," Brown said, in support of an amendment to overrule the BC's recommendation.

Treasurer Paris Wallace '04, who presented the BC report, defended the denial of funds. "Because it was a political campaign, it was akin to giving a political contribution."

However, Luke Swarthout '04 rejected the BC's logic, saying that it was unconstitutional to reject a group's funding based on political beliefs that group endorses. "A student government [can] form and fund clubs that have a political goal. ... You can't not fund based on, 'We don't like their message.'"

Other senators agreed with the BC finding, saying that a contribution to the group would require AAS to fund other candidates' political campaigns as well.

Some senators disagreed with Brown's argument that supporting Dean would lead to greater campus awareness of the primary elections as a whole. "The argument that this is designed to educate people is a distortion," said Senator Ethan Davis '05, responding to Brown's claims. "Pins and buttons are not going to educate anyone. This is an advertisement for the Howard Dean campaign."

But many senators also brought up the fact that the AAS already contributes to both the College Democrats and Republicans, money which undoubtedly partially goes to support a particular candidate.

All funding was ultimately denied to Generation Dean, per the BC recommendation. The AAS approved $1,800 for the Gospel Choir and $1,856 for the Day of Service, an increase from the BC recommendation of $1,300, as a greater number of people participated in the service activities than previously anticipated.

Some senators opposed the ex post facto increase in funding for the Day of Service, citing that an over-run in costs should not be the responsibility of the AAS. Others believed that funding should not be provided for the cost of food, as this was not integral to the day's activities.

Constitutional revisions involving the positions of AAS secretary and a hired recording secretary to take down minutes during meetings were unanimously passed.

Issue 03, Submitted 2003-09-17 10:35:03