Committee continues search for Librarian
By Andrea Gyorody, News Editor
Monday night, members of the search committee met with the Association of Amherst Students (AAS) and members of the student body to discuss qualities that students believe a librarian ought to have and hopes students have for the library's future.

Students mentioned their desire for library subscriptions of recreational magazines and stressed the importance of the library as a study hall.

Librarian of the College Will Bridegam will retire at the end of this year after almost thirty years supervising collections and staff in Robert Frost Memorial Library, Merrill Science Library, the music library and the media center. The College is currently in the process of searching for a new librarian.

A search committee, comprised of nine members and a secretary hand-picked by Dean of the Faculty Gregory Call, is co-chaired by Professor of Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies Rose Olver and Professor of Fine Arts and Asian Languages and Civilizations Samuel Morse.

"The head librarian has to cultivate the talents of ... librarians and staff who can address the specialized needs of each and every [constituent] that comes through the door," said Professor of French Paul Rockwell.

The committee has already placed advertisements in a number of magazines read widely by librarians and is now meeting with constituents to better frame the search. 

Issue 17, Submitted 2004-02-18 10:52:29