12:37 a.m., Coolidge Dormitory: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
1:38 a.m., Newport House: A resident reported that an intoxicated man outside the building may require assistance.
1:50 a.m., Mayo-Smith House: Officers responded to a report of approximately 10 males having an argument outside.
2:05 a.m., Octagon: Party Monitors reported that several men caused a disturbance and attempted to enter through a side door.
2:33 a.m., The Plaza: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an intoxicated student in the men's room.
9:40 a.m., Orr Rink: An employee reported finding a broken window.
2:17 p.m., Appleton Hall: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.
March 7, 2004
2:15 a.m., Hamilton House: Officers responded to a complaint about a large party and a report of a smashed window. Officers cleared the house of non-residents.
12:11 p.m., Pratt Dormitory: A resident reported that someone had vandalized a calendar hanging on her door.
2:44 p.m., James Hall: An unidentified source activated the fire alarm.
11:44 p.m., Coolidge: Officers responded to a complaint about noise in a second-floor room.
March 9, 2004
7:00 p.m., Pond Dormitory: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.
7:35 p.m., Stearns Dormitory: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
March 10, 2004
10:28 p.m., Kirby Theater: A contractor accidentally activated a fire alarm.
March 11, 2004
8:58 a.m., Fayerweather Hall: An employee reported someone had scratched the bumper on his vehicle while it was parked in the lot outside.
3:49 p.m., Webster Hall: An officer and an environmental health and safety employee responded to a report of a vehicle leaking gas.
4:22 p.m., Porter House: Campus Police dispatched an officer to assist an ill student.
9:40 p.m., Seligman House: A system malfunction activated a fire alarm.
March 12, 2004
1:27 a.m., James: An officer investigated a duress alarm at James.
8:44 a.m., Crossett: An officer investigated damage done to the lawn by a moving vehicle. The officer identified the student responsible for the damage.