Five College News Brief: Smith to honor Child '34 with discussion and recipes
Smith College will posthumously honor Julia Child '34, famed chef and author of a dozen cookbooks. Child, one of Smith's most renowned alumnae, is credited with changing the way Americans think about food and making French recipes more accessible in the U.S. She died on Aug. 12, 2004.
Smith will hold a panel discussion and feature a campus-wide menu of some of her recipes. In addition, the school will dedicate a plaque in recognition of her generosity. Smith will hold a reception in her honor after the plaque dedication. Child hosted a television show, "The French Chef," opened a cooking school, L'Ecole, and worked for the U.S. Office of Strategic Services.
To honor her culinary talents, Smith will offer a sampling of Child's recipes at both lunch and dinner tomorrow.
Issue 11, Submitted 2004-11-17 12:04:13