Senate passes budget for fall 2005
By Mari Rosen, Staff Writer
At Monday's meeting of the Association of Amherst Students (AAS), the last with this year's senators and executive board, senators debated and passed the budget for next fall.

Treasurer Ian Shin '06 reported that there was a record number of requests for funding an increase in the number of speakers students want to bring to campus. Most honorariums were funded at least in part, but often in full, according to Shin.

Senator Avi Das '07 motioned to remove all funding for the ski team. He explained that the ski team this year had eight members, many of whom are graduating or going abroad in the fall. The high cost of maintaining the ski team for so few people makes it "unwieldy" and there are other, more valuable things the senate could do with that money, according to Das.

Senator Jon Godsall '06 countered by saying that if the senate was more consistent in its funding, the ski team would certainly attract more members. He explained that often people are unwilling to join a club whose very existence is challenged on a regular basis. "NESCAC schools all have really good ski teams," he said.

Senator Spencer Robins '08, however, felt that the issue was an "all or nothing" one. Robins asserted that the ski team is discriminatory to those students who cannot afford to pay in order to ski, so it is the senate's responsibility to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the ski team. If that was not possible, Robins insisted that funding for the ski team should be cut entirely.

Senator Dan Reiss '05 said that he thinks the funding is a "question of ethical behavior ... Not only should we defund [the ski team,] but we should probably bring them up on disciplinary charges," he said. He cited past highly unethical behavior on the part of the ski team and said the senate should not reward this deviant behavior by giving the team money.

Senator Viet Do '06 suggested that it may be wise to consider financing the team using discretionary funds, which would enable the senate to examine more closely the team's financial situation. The senate then voted not to fund the ski team for the semester.

Das made a motion to consider the Black Student Union's (BSU) budget for the Harlem Renaissance. Due to an unfortunate miscommunication, the BSU misinterpreted the budgetary procedure and failed to submit a budget. Das stated that since this was such an important and valuable event, it should be partially funded now.

Reiss was opposed to funding the Harlem Renaissance at this time, although he did agree that the event is valuable. Reiss expressed concern that the senate did not have the specifics of the event and that it would be "irrational and impulsive" to give the BSU money at this time. "It sounds like a discretionary request," he said. The motion to allocate $1,072.57 to the BSU passed.

Hillel's budget was then discussed. Senator Josh Stein '08 encouraged one of his fellow senators to make a motion to raise the amount of money allocated for Shabbat dinners, explaining that he felt that Hillel was not given enough. However, Stein explained, he would not make such a motion, as he is on the Hillel board, thus creating a conflict of interest.

Senator Rich Bhala '07 motioned to take half of the money just allocated to the BSU for Harlem Renaissance and to reallocate it to Hillel for Shabbat dinners. Bhala explained that it "seems kind of illogical" to only fund Hillel half of the money it needs for Shabbat dinners, as Shabbat occurs every week.

Robins disagreed, saying that the dinners are not religiously essential, but instead are cultural. Reiss, however, pointed out that it is the "nature of the Jewish religion" and "there is a reason for these dinners." President Ryan Park '05 asserted that this is not Hillel's last opportunity to receive funding. Hillel can always ask for discretionary funding. The motion to fund Hillel with half of the money just allocated to the BSU failed.

Park, in his officer report, discussed progress being taken toward revising the college's position on fraternities. He said that there will be two open meetings with students to discuss the issue and to evaluate the current policy to determine the objectives of the College. He also mentioned that Scrutiny will continue next year and that there will be a meeting with Dean of the Faculty Greg Call to discuss the publication.

Next Monday's senate meeting will be attended by next year's senators. Committee elections will take place at the meeting.

Issue 25, Submitted 2005-04-26 21:03:04