Bub's Player of the Year: Carter Hamill
By Sarah Rothbard
To call Carter Hamill a Lord Jeff legend would not be a lie,

just ask any of the runners whom she has flown by.

There've been more than a few over the past four years;

Hamill's taken home a cache of honors in her Amherst career.

A 16-time All American (with more to come we know)-

plus four national titles through which her efforts show.

Bub's is almost sick of writing poems for this track star;

every week it seemed like she raised yet another bar.

Indeed Hamill's a runner in a class of her own,

we imagine Coach Nedeau wishes he could make a clone.

At least her legacy is left for the rest of the track team;

hopefully next season Amherst will not lose its steam.

Congratulations, Carter, you've been a Jeff we'll not forget,

a talent like you doesn't come around often, Bub's is willing to bet.

Issue 26, Submitted 2005-05-19 22:47:38