Bub's Player of the Week: Aaron Rauh '10
By Peter Stein, Sports Editor

Long hair or short hair, you can't miss Aaron Rauh.

long hair or short hair, he makes the girls go wow.

But it is on the gridiron where he will raise a brow;

On Saturday, he was running through Bates like a plow.

If you listened closely, the Bobcat defenders were saying "Ow!"

All the 'Cats could do was sit back and meow.

In total it was three Rauh touchdowns that Bates did allow.

So, when you see Rauh you might want to ask him "How?"

But instead greet him with a bow,

And let's be thankful he is not a Purple Cow.

The time for Rauh and the Jeffs is now;

In order to win they must stay hungry and chow chow,

Pretending thier opponents are a piece of Valentine's General Tsao.

2007 is the season for the Jeffs; this we will vow.

Issue 04, Submitted 2007-10-16 23:46:25